Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Typical Day!

This is what happens when the President leaves his phone laying around at the chapel during interviews.  The Sisters (and
 it´s generally only Sisters) take selfies! From front to back:  Sister Schimdt Brasil, Sister Medeiros Brasil, Sister Mariño Ecuador and Sister Heiner Logan UT  

I took the office secretaries with me to get 21 pillows at Zaffarri (store like a Super Wal-Mart).  It took 3 full carts to get them to the car and then it filled the car completely up!  We give our new missionaries a fresh new pillow to take with them on every transfer during the mission!
Elder Gonçalves Brasil, Elder Bangerter South Jordan, UT

President and I went with the Elders to teach a lesson and invite this young adult to be baptised.  The lesson took place in his bedroom.......the only quiet place in the house and no one else wanted to participate.  He was baptised the next Sunday!
left-Elder Pacheco, ctr-Elder Marins

We happened to be at the place at the right time.  We attended Sacrement Meeting in one of the wards in our mission and after the Elders held this baptism so we got to attend!
Elder Favoretti and Elder Nascimento both brazilians

Cátia Biehl da Silva, she and her husband Sérgio) clean the mission home.  They are wonderful!  They lived in the US for a time and both speak great English, she always speaks portugues with me to try to help me learn (I wish she wouldn´t......but I know it helps!)  She is so encouraging because she suffered when they lived in the US.  She knows how hard it is!!  She always sends inpirational texts and is so sweet and supportive of the work!  They are excellent in caring for the mission home!  They are members of the ward were the mission home is but it´s not in our mission so we have only attended there one time.  

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