Saturday, August 18, 2018

..........more MTC

What an honor to have dinner with Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, General Young Women´s president.  And she even speaks portuguese!  She went to Portugal as a young woman when her father was called to be the mission president in Lisbon Portugal and soon after was called to serve her mission in that same mission with her father as her mission president!  She also served with her husband as the companion to the mission President of the Brazil, Curitiba Mission.
Just a sampling of those that we were trained by at the MTC seminar!  I wasn´t able to get the prophet in the picture, but he was there and the only speaker in Sacrement Meeting that day!  So very memorable!!  To me, this is proof of the important and urgent work of inviting all of Heavenly Father´s children to come unto Christ!

Dinner with Elder and Sister Bednar at our table was a priceless experience!  We were taught and edified by them and always feel so loved in their presence.  Elder Bednar gave us some hope that he and Sister Bednar would possibly visit our mission because he has been recently asigned to Brazil.  We are hoping!

It has been so fun to have dear friends Pres. and Sis. Baird from our Heber Ward going to serve the same time as us.  They will serve in the Trinidad, Port of Spain Mission!  Looking forward to sharing many experiences!!
We were so thrilled to be taught by Elder Brent Nelson, Exececutive Director of the Mission Dept. (grew up in Burley 7th ward with Dee).  Him and his wife Marcie were so kind to us! cute language training teacher at the MTC, Marjorie Dultra from the state just above our mission, Santa Catarina.  She taught me how to speak like a Gaucha.......well, she did her best!  Just happened on to her too while she was working at the MTC!!
Look who we ran into......Sam Matthews who grew up in our ward in Heber and whose parents we love dearly!
Sam works at the MTC.  It was a fun suprise to see him!!
Pres.and Sis. Marsh-Brazil, Campinas Mission from North Carolina.  We are excited to reunite with them at the semi annual Mission President´s Seminars in Brazil.
Pres. and Sis. Biddulf-Brazil, Salvador South from Idaho Fall, ID.  We discovered that their neice is serving in our mission, Sister Hoover.
Pres. and Sis. Granga-Cuiabá, Brazil.  We knew them in Recife.  He was the Dr. that took care of all the YM in our ward preparing to serve missions.  He did dozens of  mission physicals for free and payed for their lunch and transportation home!  Awesome guy!

Our son Davis´s roomates´s parents Pres. and Sis Treadaway-Provo, Utah Mission
where 2 of their kids live and a grandchild.......jealous! 
Brazilian couples going to serve in Brazil.  Pres. and Sis. Castillano-Tetizinha
and Pres. and Sis. Souza-Porto Alegre South, our neighboring mission. 
The first couple we met at the MTC.  President and Sister Ackerman from Filer, Idaho going to serve in Farmington New Mexico Mission where a good friend of our daughter is serving.

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