What an honor to have dinner with Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, General Young Women´s president. And she even speaks portuguese! She went to Portugal as a young woman when her father was called to be the mission president in Lisbon Portugal and soon after was called to serve her mission in that same mission with her father as her mission president! She also served with her husband as the companion to the mission President of the Brazil, Curitiba Mission.
Just a sampling of those that we were trained by at the MTC seminar! I wasn´t able to get the prophet in the picture, but he was there and the only speaker in Sacrement Meeting that day! So very memorable!! To me, this is proof of the important and urgent work of inviting all of Heavenly Father´s children to come unto Christ!
Dinner with Elder and Sister Bednar at our table was a priceless experience! We were taught and edified by them and always feel so loved in their presence. Elder Bednar gave us some hope that he and Sister Bednar would possibly visit our mission because he has been recently asigned to Brazil. We are hoping!
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